
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

We're gonna talk about this 大 character.

Today we're gonna learn a basic kanji (Japanese Character)I'm thinking about one character a day so it will be more focus and not stressful:)This all about sharing my knowledge for those who want to learn one at a time bases Japanese kanji tutorial.This may not everything but is may help you to understand easily.if you have suggestion,please feel free to let me know:)

so first we're gonna talk about this 大 character.

The character means Big (OO-kii 大きい).remember the character of person (大きい人Ookii-hito-Big person),you can practice the writing sequence for you to shape it right. this is commonly use in Japanese language so you might see this often in Japan or in Manga. 
Like 大好き =Daisuki ("I really like you");


 how to read:




 How to write properly:



Tuesday, July 30, 2013

We're gonna talk about this 年 character.

Today we're gonna learn a basic kanji (Japanese Character)I'm thinking about one character a day so it will be more focus and not stressful:)This all about sharing my knowledge for those who want to learn one at a time bases Japanese kanji tutorial.This may not everything but is may help you to understand easily.if you have suggestion,please feel free to let me know:)

so first we're gonna talk about this 年 character.

年 means (Year),just like English we can put numerals before this such as 1年(一年)、2年(二)年 and so on.Think about word that will use year and just replace with this character and congratulation you are now Kanji written :) this is year is 2013年!The reading of this is usually NEN,ex.One Year = ICHI NEN. for now just put somewhere in your mind this image for sure you will see this and know that it is talking about year.Enjoy;Have a wonderful day.

 how to read:




 How to write properly:



We're gonna talk about this 人 character.

Today we're gonna learn a basic kanji (Japanese Character)I'm thinking about one character a day so it will be more focus and not stressful:)This all about sharing my knowledge for those who want to learn one at a time bases Japanese kanji tutorial.This may not everything but is may help you to understand easily.if you have suggestion,please feel free to let me know:)

so first we're gonna talk about this 人 character.

人 (Hito or Jin )means : Man,Human Being, can put a number before this like 一人means
1 person,Citizenship like Japanese (NIHON-JIN 日本人)、American (America -JIN アメリカ人)、
ans so on.Os if you see this you understand that it is talking about people.Do not miss understood with (入) this character because this means (ENTER) it's totally different Character and Meaning.Good Luck and Enjoy your day.

 how to read:



  人=Man,Human Being,Person

 How to write properly:



Sunday, July 28, 2013

We're gonna talk about this 国 character.

Today we're gonna learn a basic kanji (Japanese Charaxcter).Im thinngking about one character a day so it will be more focus and not stressful:)This all about sharing my knowledge for those who want to learn one at a time bases Japanese kanji tutorial.This may not everything but is mey help you to understand easily.if you have suggestion,please feel free to let me know:)

so first we're gonna talk about this 国 character.

This character meaning (Country / Nation) .If you can see this character next to the other character,it is usually meaning the character before this is country name.ex: 日本国(Japan)、アジアン国(Asian Country).
you can put your country name in Katakana then you can write this character for Fun:)I'm pretty sure Chinese and Japanese can understand it somehow.Enjoy.

 how to read:



国 =Country

 How to write properly:

Thursday, July 25, 2013

We're gonna talk about this 一 character.

Today we're gonna learn a basic kanji (Japanese Charaxcter).Im thinngking about one character a day so it will be more focus and not stressful:)This all about sharing my knowledge for those who want to learn one at a time bases Japanese kanji tutorial.This may not everything but is mey help you to understand easily.if you have suggestion,please feel free to let me know:)

So first we're gonna talk about this 一 character.

This character represents a numeral number of 1.In Chinese it is also means the same.Actually most of the kanji means the same it is only read differently by Chinese and Japanese but mostly similar sounds.if you add one more horizontal line like this (二”Ni”),means number 2 now.and 3 is like this (三”San”):)Easy to remember but number 4 to 9 and 0 is different character, will talk about that later.

Meaning : One (Number 1)
How to Read:  ICHI
How to Write.

Thanks for taking time:) till next time.Have a nice day.

We're gonna talk about this 日 character.

Today we're gonna learn a basic kanji (Japanese Charaxcter).Im thinngking about one character a day so it will be more focus and not stressful:)This all about sharing my knowledge for those who want to learn one at a time bases Japanese kanji tutorial.This may not everything but is mey help you to understand easily.if you have suggestion,please feel free to let me know:)

so first we're gonna talk about this 日 character.

This character meaning (Day(s)) usually..That's because it can be associated with many characters and may change the meaning .usually the number come beside it like 5日.so it means 5 days or 5th days of the month.
Is that the first day of the month would be 1日、depending on sentence it could be 1 day or first day of the month.This also use as Sunday(日曜日(Nichi-Youbi)).

 how to read:



日 =Day,Sun,

 you should write it in sequence below.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

(Freelance Project Base) Business Document Translation Service

(Freelance Project Base) Business Document Translation Service and Event Interpreter.

Birth Certificate
Company Policy documents
VIP guide and interpretation
Family registration form etc.
VIP Accommodation Interpreter.

For appointment please don't hesitate to email me anytime.
Contact email:
