
Thursday, August 8, 2013

We're gonna talk about this 中 character

Today we're gonna learn a basic kanji (Japanese Character)I'm thinking about one character a day so it will be more focus and not stressful:)This all about sharing my knowledge for those who want to learn one at a time bases Japanese kanji tutorial.This may not everything but is may help you to understand easily.if you have suggestion,please feel free to let me know:)

so first we're gonna talk about this 中 character.

Center or Inside is the most common use of this character.If you write in Kanji it looks like this 中国 (if you direct translate it means CENTER COUNTRY).It may have different pronunciation in chinese but the meaning is the same.In Japanese it is read as NAKA or TyuU. Just practice the writing to remember the meaning. Have a nice day:)


 how to read:




How to write properly:



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